A view of Deaf community locally, nationally, internationally....Show Me Deaf Community is about viewing opinions and references to issues facing us daily. This is informative and educational tool for anyone to know and understand our proud heritage. Our Deaf culture spans three millenniums so stay tuned and learn more about it! =^)

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Deaf Advocate

Friday, October 27, 2006

Group protests at Denney Hall - Campus

Group protests at Denney Hall - Campus

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Deaf Stories from the Deaf Community

Deaf stories are collected, edited and moderated for this section.

You can tell us a story about your experiences while growing up.

It can be anything and how you felt about your experiences.

You can leave names, places, etc out of picture to protect your confidentiality.

It is decided on case by case when we receive the postings.

Post away!


THE NEW BEGINNINGS - October 1, 2006

Greetings! I am establishing a new communication tool for friends and anyone who is interested in advancing the rights for Deaf and Hard of Hearing. This medium is a new way for me to communicate to the public and let anyone chime in and promote the real cause of advancing the rights of Deaf. It is an advocacy that we need to pursue further in this 21st century.

I am dedicating today's posting to George Veditz. He had a vision in 1913 in Colorado at the NAD convention. He said that American Sign Language will always be with us forever as long as there is Deaf people on Earth.

"As long as we have deaf people on earth, we will have signs...the noblest gift God has given to deaf people." George W. Veditz, 1913

He was twice elected president of NAD (National Association of the Deaf). He advocated for ASL and did not support oral methods. He was one of the first few people to support film technology that resulted in preserving the old sign language. The videos are available at Gallaudet University and there are some on websites.

For this reason, the past week of September 23 - 30, 2006 was Deaf Awareness Week. It is a traditional program promoted by WFD (World Federation of Deaf).

This SHOW ME DEAF COMMUNITY is a new way to bring forth the history and heritage of proud Deaf individuals who have contributed to our proud culture.

More to come!

Keep coming and visit updates! Feel free to comment!

Have a good one!